Welcome to our year of cooking with the Barefoot Gourmet, a new catering service out of East Thetford, Vermont. Over the years Ryon's dad, Barry (the Barefoot Gourmet himself; check him out at barefoot-gourmet.com), has given his children, along with several of their well deserving friends, many of his recipes that are now famous among their circle. After receiving the latest additions, the cookbook includes about 111 recipes! The exact number is still a little fuzzy. As a New Year adventure, we decided to make our way through the entire cookbook. Yes, we have decided to cook (well Ryon to cook, Caitlin to eat) ALL of the BFG's recipes. We will blog regularly about the successes and tragedies of cooking with the Barefoot Gourmet and maybe add in a little about what is going on down here in C'Ville. Keep us posted on your attempts at the recipes...and don't forget, food tastes better when made with a wooden spoon and eaten with good company. Enjoy!

-Ryon and Caitlin

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

#35 - Maple Syrup Dressing

By Ryon - I'm actually surprised that I have not written about this one already. I've probably made it 10 times since we began this blog. The maple syrup dressing is an absolute staple in my fridge. I can honestly say that I have not purchased a single bottle of salad dressing in the last 5 or 6 years, since I learned how to make it. There is no need. All dressings pale in comparison to this recipe. My siblings and I (among others) have been pushing my dad for years to bottle this and sell it. It's a million dollar dressing. I am hoping, now that the catering business is up and running, that this will actually happen. Do it, dad!

I think this dressing single-handedly made me appreciate salads. Salads, for a long time, were an attractive addition to a plate for me... nothing more. You could not drown a leaf of lettuce in enough ranch dressing to make me really enjoy it (actually ranch is kind of gross, too). But then along came the gateway drug of salad dressings and I've come to appreciate salads in a whole new way. Ok, I may be over-dramatizing this a bit, but seriously, this stuff is good.

Being a dressing, there is no cooking involved. So for those of you out there who would rather use a stove-top as a place to keep your incoming mail, you can breath a sigh of relief. You can do this. Just combine apple cider vinegar, maple syrup and olive oil. Add garlic, salt and pepper. Shake. Enjoy.

This goes well with just about any meal. I particularly like it as a salad dressing to use with the pastrain recipe (see #3). When the pastrain mixes together with this dressing on the plate, it is sooooo good. However, my all-time favorite is when this dressing makes an appearance with beef tenderloin cooked on an open fire and mopped with a red wine herbal tisane (recipe to come), salt potatoes (recipe to come), and fresh mesclun from Crossroads Farm in Post Mills, VT. This is a regular on the menu rotation when my dad is entertaining large crowds at Echo Camp on Raquette Lake. And it was during one of these meals that I saw one of the more impressive things in my life: Ian Gowan eating his weight in beef. It was awesome. Thanks, Ian.

Rating: SECCDI

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