Barry and Nana's recipes are actually quite similar. The biggest difference is that Barry uses butter instead of oil to cook the meat and onions, adds a beer and, of course, maple syrup to the base. Nana also includes green, red, and yellow bell peppers, and a variety of beans. We stuck to Barry's recipe for the most part this first time. Though Ryon and I decided to jazz it up and use a mixture of diced chuck steak from the Organic Butcher and hamburger. I thought the cubed steak was a delicious addition. I feel like another vital addition to this recipe was the second beer that I consumed while making the meal :o)
Don't be intimidated by the number of ingredients. Honestly, collecting the ingredients was the most challenging part of making the chili! After melting the butter and cooking the beef, onions, and garlic on medium until brown, I added all of the dry seasonings. This is when it starts to smell really good. It took a long time to measure out all of the spices and grind the cumin seeds, so next time I think it would be helpful to do all of that first, mixing them together, and adding them at the same time. Is this a normal cooking technique??? Well I am certainly learning! So next I a
The first time I made chili at Killington Ryon and I weren't dating yet, but I remember him opening all of the cans of tomatoes and beans for me. I am proud to say that after all these years I still get to be head chef on the chili.
Rating: SECCDI
I love this! And it's about time you adopted your own chili recipe;)I have started using beer in mine as well but the maple syrup sounds like a great idea. Sometimes I add chocolate to add richness and sweetness especially since I now make mine vegetarian. I think I will give your's a try next time! Happy cooking!