Welcome to our year of cooking with the Barefoot Gourmet, a new catering service out of East Thetford, Vermont. Over the years Ryon's dad, Barry (the Barefoot Gourmet himself; check him out at barefoot-gourmet.com), has given his children, along with several of their well deserving friends, many of his recipes that are now famous among their circle. After receiving the latest additions, the cookbook includes about 111 recipes! The exact number is still a little fuzzy. As a New Year adventure, we decided to make our way through the entire cookbook. Yes, we have decided to cook (well Ryon to cook, Caitlin to eat) ALL of the BFG's recipes. We will blog regularly about the successes and tragedies of cooking with the Barefoot Gourmet and maybe add in a little about what is going on down here in C'Ville. Keep us posted on your attempts at the recipes...and don't forget, food tastes better when made with a wooden spoon and eaten with good company. Enjoy!

-Ryon and Caitlin

Saturday, January 2, 2010

An Iced Tea Tragedy

This is not a recipe in the Clarke Family Recipe book, but I thought you all would find this amusing. From time to time Ryon and I enjoy sipping on some iced tea, particularly in the hot and steamy summer days here in Virginia. Over the summer we got to brewing our own homemade iced tea from recipes that we got out of Imbibe magazine (one of Ryon's favorite reads and perhaps becoming one of Jay's too since he got a subscription for Christmas). The recipe is straightforward-- three heaping tablespoons of loose leaf tea for every gallon of water. Then you leave it to brew by either either sticking it in the fridge overnight or in the sun for about 3 hours. Since the sun was out yesterday we chose the latter method, which is called sun tea. A seemingly simply recipe, but alas, when you 1) don't take into account that the temperature outside is in the 20's not the 90's and 2) forget that you are brewing tea altogether you end up with frozen tea versus simply iced. Today we woke up to a 22 degree morning and a pitcher of frozen tea.

1 comment:

  1. Phew. I thought from the photo that it had been filled with bugs. PS you suck making Sun Tea in January. We have a two night parking ban because of the snow...although I did ski both days this weekend.
